El Dorado™ Iso Extract 30%

El Dorado™
Tropical Fruit - lemon, vanilla, citrusy, herbal, woody, stone fruit, pineapple, mango, watermelon
Advanced Products
Think IBUs in a bottle. Iso Extract 30% is an aqueous solution of the potassium salts from iso-alpha acids that can be used post fermentation to top-up bitterness or partially replace traditional forms of bittering. ISO 30% is typically added before filtration for best yield results.
Alpha Acid: 30% (Iso-Alpha)
Yield (Kg/Ha)
2300 - 2500
Main Growing Country
United States
Resistance Against Diseases
Down Mildew
Powdery Mildew
Bitter Components
Alpha Acid %
30% (Iso-Alpha)
Co-Humulone % Rel.
28 - 33%